Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Snow White: A Graphic Novel by Matt Phelan

Snow White: A Graphic Novel
by Matt Phelan [j Phelan] 

The stark simplicity of this book’s cover caught my eye on the library’s new books display, with a typeface that screamed “1930s”. This book is a re-imagining of the classic Snow White fairy tale, told in a setting of 1930s Depression era New York City. The “evil Queen” is Snow’s stepmother, a vain performer who has become the “Queen of Broadway”, the “magic mirror” is a stock-market ticker-tape machine that spits out messages. And the Seven Dwarfs are seven street ruffians who rescue snow from muggers and take an immediate liking to her. // The artwork is fairly stark — black and white with only a few splashes of significant color added for effect. In some scenes, the artist manages an almost dream-like quality. I’ll have to admit, not ALL of the art appealed to me, so I’ll drop my rating of this from what would have been a 9 to an 8. Otherwise, a very imaginative read. I recommend this for anyone who is a fan of this classic storyline…you may enjoy this twist!

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try the TV series Once Upon a Time, which similarly takes well-known fairy tales and spins them in new directions]

[ official Matt Phelan web site ]

Recommended by Scott C.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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