Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Red Sonja: Vulture's Circle

Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle
by Nancy A. Collins and Luke Lieberman [Hoopla Digital Service] 

Red Sonja is one of my top three favorite comic book characters. As dark as this story arc is, I think it’s one of the best I’ve read. Red Sonja, if you aren’t familiar with her is a barbarian woman who lives in the same world as Conan, although she’s from Hyboria and he’s from Cimmeria. In this story, Sonja is older and instead of roaming around, she’s now settled down as a teacher of combat. Peace however is only temporary in her life. A foe becomes apparent on an outing to town for supplies which then begins to threaten the school. The birth of the enemy is pretty gruesome, in the imaging and the storyline. It’s so terrible that to even stand a chance to defeat it, Sonja must ask for the help of a god which transforms her in a fiery being who acts on impulse more than thought. I thought this story was awesome and is my favorite Red Sonja story arc. Red Sonja stories in general are fairly bloody, but this one is a bit more graphic in nature than usual and does contain some nudity too. Some people don’t like this, so it’s just something to be aware of beforehand. If you are looking for a slightly tamer Sonja story, I recommend you try “The Black Tower” on Hoopla; it’s a good one too, but I do prefer Vulture’s Circle. You can search for either title in the catalog and it’ll link you to Hoopla’s website where you can read them instantly through your browser or download them to the Hoopla App.

[If you are looking for a Red Sonja Conan crossover story you can check out ‘Red Sonja/Conan: The Blood of a God’ on Hoopla. There are others, but they aren’t available on Hoopla or in hard copy at the library at the time being. The website ComicVine is very useful when trying to find particular comic issues, characters and story arcs — http://comicvine.gamespot.com/] [ Nancy A. Collins blog ]

Recommended by Kristen A.
Gere Branch Library

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