Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Last Roundup by Christie Golden

Star Trek: The Last Roundup
by Christie Golden (author), David Kaye (reader) [Hoopla digital service or Golden in adult fiction]
This Star Trek novel is about Kirk’s ‘retirement’. He is no longer a starship captain, but is simply teaching at Star Fleet Academy and is bored out of his skull. The rest of his crew have gone their separate ways and are brought back together once more in this story. Kirk’s two nephews come to him to ask if he’d join them on a new colony they are founding. He does not really want to go, but he does not want to stay behind either, so he goes and has Scotty and Chekov come along as well. The new colony is based on the idea of developing new technologies. The planet they selected is supposedly uninhabited, but there are in fact others beings there with their own outpost. Kirk’s nephews are convinced all is well, but when the communication channels become jammed, Kirk, Chekov and Scotty look into them a bit more and discover the peace is only a façade. I really liked this story and would recommend it to Trek fans. I only wish that some of the original crew had done the voice acting as they had done in other audiobooks I’ve listened to on Hoopla, which is a digital streaming service our library subscribes to. The library does have a paperback copy if you prefer that format.

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Doctor’s Orders, by Diane Duane]
[ The Last Roundup page on Memory Alpha ] | [ official Christie Golden web site ]

Recommended by Kristen A.
Gere Branch Library

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