Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Into the Storm (on DVD)

Into the Storm
[DVD Into]

My wife and I watched this schlocky natural disaster movie mainly due to the presence of Richard Armitage in the cast -- we've both enjoyed him in the Hobbit trilogy, and in North & South and the BBC's recent Robin Hood series as Sir Guy of Gisborne. In this, Armitage is merely one of several key ensemble players whose lives are impacted by a series of tornados in a small Oklahoma community. The plot follows two main threads -- the quest of a bunch of storm chasers to track and engage with a monster twister, and the lives of various members of the community of Silverton, Oklahoma. The acting ranges from impressive and believable, to overblown high school play. The plot is very loose and -- for the most part -- forgettable. However, the special effects are tremendous. The multiple tornados seen on screen are exceptionally believable, and the physical weather and wind effects on the actors in multiple scenes are frighteningly realistic. Additionally, I have to give this film's scenic and set designers kudos -- the look of tornado ravaged neighborhoods was devastatingly realistic as well. If you're looking for a well-acted and well-thought-out movie, don't bother. But if you're a weather junkie, and in the mood for a mindless "popcorn" movie, give this one a try! -- recommended by Scott C. - Bennett Martin Public Library [ see Scott's Reviewer Profile and more of his reviews ]

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Twister.]

[ Internet Movie Database entry for this film ] | [ official Into the Storm web site ]

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