Friday, January 30, 2015

When the Game Stands Tall (on DVD)

When the Game Stands Tall
[DVD When]

Based on a true story — this film follows the life of Bob Ladouceur the head football coach for the De La Salle High School Spartans. Their team is on a roll, winning 151 games in a row but when Bob has a seizure and is forced to take a break from coaching the team seems to fall apart. Unlike movies like Remember the Titans or The Blind Side this doesn't show the team coming from nothing to being champions, the movie picks up right before the end of their winning streak. It was an interesting story and focused a lot on the players' loyalty to each other and to their coach. -- recommended by Carrie K. -- Bennett Martin Public Library [ see Carrie's Reviewer Profile and more of her reviews ]

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Remember the Titans, Friday Night Lights, Draft Day and other football movies/TV shows.]

[ Internet Movie Database entry for this film ] | [ official When the Game Stands Tall web site ]

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