Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Justice League Dark

Justice League Dark
by Peter Milligan (writer) and Mikel Janin (artist) [YA PB Milligan]

The comic-book industry, especially the two major mainstream publishers — DC and Marvel — is rife with "reboots", in which the creators reinvent the world in which long-standing characters exist. DC in particular, revamped their comics line around 2010. One of the new titles that grew out of their "The New 52" revamping is Justice League Dark. The Justice League itself, comprised of such colorful characters as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter, is well known, But, the Justice League Dark gathered a number of the anti-heroes or figures associated with the paranormal and mystic elements in the DC universe, and teamed them up to fight the kinds of supernatural menaces that "normal" superheroes were ill-equipped to deal with. Fan favorite paranormal heroes, such as John Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna and Madame Xanadu form the core of this new group, with other supernatural heroes (Frankenstein, Shade the Changing Man, Black Orchid, Swamp Thing, Timothy Hunter and many more) coming into individual issues of the comic book to provide the occasional assist. DC has gathered up issues of this ongoing comic book to release "graphic novels" that include 6 issues of the comic in each trade paperback. The art is fantastic, the writing is strong, and for anyone who's ever been a fan of any of the quirkier characters in the background of the DC comics universe, I highly encourage that you check out these Justice League Dark collections! -- recommended by Scott C. - Bennett Martin Public Library [ see Scott's Reviewer Profile and more of his reviews ]

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Volumes Two and Three in this graphic novel series.]

[ Justice League Dark page on Wikipedia ]

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