Friday, September 5, 2014

Customer Review: Our Man in Havana

Our Man in Havana: An Entertainment
by Graham Greene [Greene]

This a wonderful book for a lazy summer day. In order to earn more money, a vacuum cleaner salesman in pre-Castro Cuba starts reporting to MI-6 non-existant military bases and fictional agents. The powers-that-be have their doubts. Mr. Wormold, after having created the deception, finds selling vacuum cleaners the least of his worries when his fiction becomes reality and imaginary people start to die. The narrative of the story appears to spring from the Cold War, yet the humor mimicks "Who's on first". The humor is quick and simple. As simple as the humor may be, though, the reader needs to keep their eye open to sudden and abrupt developments that form. This novel is fantastic if all you are looking for is a quick and enjoyable read with a bit of mystery to spice the mixture. -- review submitted by Brandon R. - a customer of the Anderson and Bethany Branch Libraries

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