Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Father's Love: One Man's Unrelenting Battle to Bring his Adopted Son Home

A Father's Love: One Man's Unrelenting Battle to Bring His Adopted Son Home
by David Goldman [Biography Goldman]

David Goldman's Brazilian wife, Bruna, took their 4-year-old son, Sean, to Brazil for what was to be a two-week family vacation with David joining them later. But once in Brazil, Bruna called David to announce she was leaving him and keeping their son. Later, Bruna divorced David in Brazil, remarried, and died in 2008 giving birth to a daughter. David spent over five years and $700,000 fighting the Brazilian courts, Bruna's new husband, and her parents for custody of his son. It took the involvement of the international media and the US government to force the issue. Christmas Eve, 2009, David and Sean finally flew out of Brazil together. A fascinating story that is a quick read yet emotional. The first few chapters are background on David's growing-up years, how he met Bruna, and their life together. Once the media and government officials become involved in 2008 the suspense builds toward Christmas Eve. The last couple of chapters covers the family reunion, and how Sean is coping. The legalese is light-weight, just enough to explain what's going on yet not to overburden the story. The real story is how David and his friends fought the fight and finally overcame the old Brazilian system that allowed old families, wealthy families, and cronyism to dominate Brazilian application of laws. This story stayed with me for several days and I re-read parts of the book several times. I also visited the website,, to read the court rulings, filings by the attorneys,and statements made by the second husband, watched the NBC Dateline interviews, and read how the foundation continues the fight for other parents with abducted children. -- recommended by Charlotte K. - Bennett Martin Public Library
[Also available in downloadable E-book format.]

[ David Goldman's Bring Sean Home Foundation web site ]

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