Sunday, October 20, 2013

Customer Review - Gone

by Michael Grant [YA Grant]

This the first installment in the Gone series about everyone over 15 disappearing. It all starts with Sam in History class. One moment there's the teacher, then, poof! He's gone. A dome forms around the small California town trapping all the teens and kids inside. There is no TV, internet, or radio.At first everyone starts wasting food, rejoicing there are no adults around. Then people get hurt, there's the possibility they might run out of food, and they need a leader. Sam self-appoints himself, whit his friend Quinn, and a girl from his school, Astrid. Then, there's the academy up the hill. Up there people are already starving.Down in the town riots are breaking out, war is brewing with the academy and Sam and his people, and there is a feel of darkness in the air. Will they get out alive? Read the book to find out! -- review submitted by Ashley A. - a customer of the Gere Branch Library

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