Monday, April 8, 2013

The Taken (downloadable audio)

The Taken
by Inger Asher Wolfe [downloadable audio]

DC James Wingate is in change while his superior Detective Inspector Hazel Micallef is recovering from back surgery. Wingate is a reluctant boss and when an apparent body is pulled from Ontario's Lake Gannon Wingate lures Hazel Micallef from her bed to head the investigation. The "body" turns out to be the torso of a mannequin. Micallef and her crew think that this is a prank and they examine the torso with hopes of finding a clue to the mischief-maker. What they find is a number stamped on the plastic form that leads them to a video feed of what appears to be a person held captive in a basement. They are in a race against time to find the victim. This is an intense novel with well-developed characters. [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try the works of Louise Penny.] -- recommended by Donna G. - Virtual Services Department

[Also available in traditional print format.]

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