Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Customer Review - Together Apart

Together Apart
by Dianne Gray [j Gray]

While the blizzard that affected the lives of the main characters was a real event known as The School Children's Blizzard, Together Apart is about much more. Many people who survive natural disasters say that the main thing is that their family lived. While that may be true, it is also just as true that the real story lies in what happens after the disaster. Together Apart is what happens to the fictional Hannah Barnett, whose two brothers died in the blizzard of 1888. As for Hannah, she huddled with a local boy to keep warm -- incurring rumors in the community about their relationship and causing estrangement with her farming family. Needing her own space to grieve, Hannah applies in town for work. Together Apart is also about Isaac, the boy with whom Hannah huddled to stay alive. When Isaac tires of abuse from his step-father, he runs away but only to the nearby town because he wishes to stay close to his mom. There are plenty of other things I could tell you about Together Apart, but I'd prefer for you to discover these delectable treasures for yourself by reading the book. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. - a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library [See Allison's issue of the Customer Snapshot library newsletter]

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