Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Customer Review - Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
by Anne Mazer [j Mazer]

Abbey Haye's family is super talented. In the introductory book of the series, Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining, Abbey wishes to be like anyone else in her family. Then Abbey's fifth-grade teacher announces that this year their grade will have a special creative writing workshop every week. As part of this special writing class, Abbey receives a notebook in which she can write whatever she wants. Soon after Abbey receives that notebook, she gets so caught up with writing in it that her teacher has to reprimand her: "Put the notebook away. We're going to begin our math quiz." Yet Abbey continues to believe that she needs to become a sports star for her to be a "super member" of the Hayes family and so she diets, trains, and works out. I'm not sure why she latches specifically onto sports, but ultimately Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining is a light-hearted story about a girl who struggles to find her talent in all the wrong places. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. - a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library

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