Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pilgrim's Progress

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan was once the most widely read and translated book in the English language apart from the Bible. If you are not already familiar with The Pilgrim's Progress, it is an allegory about the Christian journey. At its core is a thrilling story. The first part of The Pilgrim's Progress is about Christian, who undertakes a dangerous journey. Carrying a burden of sin, Christian leaves behind his family and friends to seek deliverance from an impending judgment on his city. Christian must overcome many dangers if he is to reach his final destination. The second part is about Christian's wife and sons who undertake a similar journey. John Bunyan doesn't simply recreate his original tale, but imagines new adventures that might happen to other pilgrims. By now, you might also be thinking that both parts are simply one danger after another, when that is simply not true. Christina's sons and Mercy find marriage. We also meet some new types of pilgrims, with whom many of us probably readily identify. Besides being a thrilling tale, The Pilgrim's Progress is also an allegory about the Christian journey. Not everything on a pilgrim's journey is dark. There are places of excellent sights and rest such as Palace Beautiful, the Delectable Mountains, and Country of Beulah. Too often for my taste, there are the moral passages. Sometimes this Christian classic felt like being in at everlasting church service, which is the main fault I find in this otherwise epic tale. John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress for Christians. It seems as it's a reflection of Bunyan's own realization that the Christian life is a journey that can be fraught with strife while also having moments of joy. It's is an important and encouraging book to read. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. -- a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library

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