Sunday, October 30, 2011

Warehouse 13 - Season One

Warehouse 13 - Season One
[DVD Warehouse]

Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering are Secret Service agents assigned to the president's protection detail. After an incident with an ancient artifact they find themselves reassigned to a mysterious warehouse in the boondocks of South Dakota. Warehouse 13 is filled with supernatural artifacts that, when in your possession, cause trouble. Their mission is to find the artifact, snag it, bag it, tag it and bring it back to the warehouse for safe keeping. Joining them on their quests are their straight and narrow boss Artie, teenage tech wizard Claudia and the mysterious Mrs. Frederic. [If you like this, you may also enjoy Sanctuary a series about things that go bump in the night Eureka about a town filled with magical mysteries - even has some crossover episodes with Warehouse 13.] -- recommended by Carrie K. - Bennett Martin Public Library and South Branch Library

[Also available: TV Tie-in novels based on Warehouse 13.]

[ Internet Movie Database entry for this series ] | [ official Warehouse 13 page on ]

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