Monday, October 24, 2011

New Customer Review - A Room Made of Windows

A Room Made of Windows
by Eleanor Cameron [j]

Julia's father died at war and her mom is dating again. When her mother and "That One" (her despised boyfriend) leave without taking her to a play, Julia escapes to her room to vent. She pours out her feelings in her Book of Strangeness, where she also compiles lists. Then she turns to her story. Julia's so excited when she finishes that despite the late hour she heads out to mail it. Her best friend's drunken father steals her envelope, and refuses to return it until neighbor Rhiannon Moore appears. A Room Made of Windows contains lengthy chapters that are heavier on character development than action. Despite the book's slow pace, I grew up loving it because of how I much identified with Julia. We're both sensitive. Julia also wishes to become a writer. She loved words and kept lists of them, wrote stories and would think them out before going to bed, and tried turning dreams into stories. Like Julia I view writing as my special work. I intend to keep working on it and making grow. And like her I'm pretty sure that my feelings and pains will help me as a writer. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. - a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library

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