Monday, June 27, 2011

The Night Season (on CD)

The Night Season
by Chelsea Cain [Compact Disc Cain]

In 1948 Vanport, Oregon was washed away when a dike holding back the Columbia River broke during a flood. Fifteen people died. The town was not rebuilt. Chelsea Cain incorporates this real-life tragedy in her latest book featuring modern day Portland homicide detective Archie Sheridan. Archie and his team have their hands full. The raging Willamette River is threatening to overflow its banks. People are evacuating the city. A serial killer is running loose and a nine-year-old boy is missing. The excitement mounts as Archie, his team and the dauntless reporter, Susan Ward, track the serial killer down the deserted streets of Portland, now knee-deep in swirling muddy water. Cain engrosses you in her tale. The characters come alive and you alternately cheer for them and hold your breath when they are peril. The Willamette River also becomes a deadly foe. As lethal as the serial killer that they are chasing. [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try the works of Lisa Jackson and Tami Hoag.] -- recommended by Donna G. - Virtual Services Department

[Also available in downloadable audio, and print formats.]

[ official Chelsea Cain web site ]

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