Tuesday, February 1, 2011


by Charles Benoit

You wouldn't have noticed this book if you had not been putting a Young Adult sticker on it. You -- an intriguing book title with a striking cover: Y-O-U, spelled out in red pieces of broken glass. You skim the flap...a young adult "debut" with three prior adult mystery novels. So, not exactly a novice author, you think. You decide to read it. Author Charles Benoit, a former high school teacher, knows the territory in this book inside out. You can't get ahead of him. You don't want to. You can't put the book down. High school-. How has it changed? How is it the same? You've known someone like Kyle Chase, the main character. Or have you? You will have to read You to find out. -- recommended by Kay V. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[ Publisher's official You web site ] | [ official Charles Benoit web site ]

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