Sunday, September 26, 2010

Banned Books Week 2010

Readers across the country are encouraged to push the boundaries of their reading this week as we acknowledge the annual celebration of the freedom to read whatever we want that is known as Banned Books Week!

From September 25th through October 2nd, 2010, stop in at your local library to sample some of the controversial (and some of the seemingly innocuous) books that been either banned or challenged in other libraries around the country (or around the world!).

Or, for more information about Banned Books Week, visit the ALA's Banned Books Week resource page (which includes lists of banned and/or challenged books from the past several years), or the Wikipedia page about the annual event. Other resources:, Top 10 Most Challenged Books by Year.

What's the most controversial book you've ever read and actually enjoyed? Or, what's your favorite banned or challenged book?

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