Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Haunt Me Still

Haunt Me Still
by Jennifer Lee Carrell

In the author's notes at the end of this book Carrell wonders why Macbeth is shorter than the other tragedies that Shakespeare wrote during the same time period. Is there something missing from this play? Did Shakespeare originally write another, much longer play that delved in the occult? Was Macbeth rewritten to omit these scenes? These questions are the seeds from which this novel grew. Kate Stanley, an academic turned Shakespearean director, is recruited by Lady Nairen to find the original manuscript of Macbeth and stage the play. Kate is not the only person looking for the play. Her ruthless competition stops at nothing in this literary thriller. Carrell weaves superstitions about Macbeth into the plot. Legend has it that Shakespeare incorporated witches' curses in the original manuscript. The witches were outraged and placed a curse on the play. Even today, theater people often consider it to be bad luck to mention Macbeth by name while inside a theater. They usually refer to Macbeth as The Scottish Play. If someone does say "Macbeth" that person must perform one of several rituals to negate the curse. The most popular ritual requires the offender to leave the building, walk three times around it, spit over their left shoulder, say an obscenity and wait to be invited back inside. [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try the works of Kate Carlisle, John Dunning and Julie Kaewart.] -- recommended by Donna G. - Virtual Services Department

[ official Haunt Me Still page on the official Jennifer Lee Carrell web site ]

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