Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bugsy's Baby

Bugsy's Baby: The Secret Life of Mob Queen Virginia Hill
by Andy Edmonds [364.106 Edm]

Virginia Hill, the lover of Las Vegas mobster Bugsy Siegel, was also involved with Al Capone's Chicago gang and with the New York mob led by Frank Costello and Joe Adonis. In 1933, when she was just seventeen, she arrived in Chicago and caught the attention of Joe Epstein, who ran the gambling outfit for the Capone operation. In 1950, she testified for the famed Kefauver Committee, which was investigating crime in interstate commerce. Her death, in 1966, was probably a mob hit. Edmonds explains why. [For more books of this nature, check our catalog under the subject heading "Organized Crime."] -- recommended by Rianne S. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[ Wikipedia entry on Virginia Hill ]

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book is a sit down good read!
While reading the introduction i already learned a lot of facts about people! I did NOT know Virginia Hill had a SECRET DIARY!
a good mafia biography, true crime, book!