Saturday, March 6, 2010

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Darkly Dreaming Dexter
by Jeff Lindsay

Told from the first person of a seriously deranged, self-deprecating, multiple murderer, who also happens to be a lab technician for the Miami police department, Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a monster, a killer, who does not kill indiscriminately, but chooses those who need killing to murder. He keeps a blood sample of all of his victims -- his trophy. The temptation is to sympathize with Dexter -- most readers do with a first person narrator--but don't fall into the trap. One method to gain our empathy is by telling us how he masks his sociopathic personality. However, when another serial killer strikes, Dexter finds himself admiring the man's skill and precision. WARNING: This is not for all tastes. Dexter is sick, sick, sick and the book is disturbing. Notice the blood smear on the cover -- with a happy face in it. -- recommended by Rianne S. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[Also available in audiotape and book-on-cd formats.]

[ official Random House Dexter web site ]

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